How to collect conversation message details from Process Automation Workflow

I have made an event trigger that starts a workflow (I pass in the conversationId) and it works with no problem.
Inside the workflow, I want to call a data action that will return message details from the conversations.
So I set the URL to /api/v2/conversations/messages/${input.conversationId} in the data action.
I know the data action works (I have tested it directly).
But when I call this data action the Workflow just ends - it doesn't take any of the data action exit points at all.
I suspect this is because the data action isn't logged in as the user that owns the conversation.
Is there any way to configure the data action so that it can call this function?

Short version, if reading what you done correctly is that is not how triggers work exactly.
Trigger overview section

You create a trigger, to call a particular workflow (using the ID) and the criteria in the trigger determines when the trigger will initiate the workflow. e.g. MediaType "VOICE" and divisionId In a list of IDs.
You also specify the topic you want to trigger on, this would be the one from the process automation list e.g.{id}.user.start
When the workflow is called, you set variables to EXACTLY the same names as the schema names shown in the topics section. Set them as inputs to workflow.
From there you can do whatever processing you need, be that an internal Genesys API data action or whatever you need.
In the example of user.start you get the conversationId passed as part of the Input variables.
Hope that makes sense and a starter for 10 :slight_smile:


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