How to find communicationid in a conversations

I'm trying to do a PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/conversations/{conversationId}
to associate a known external contact to a voice conversation.

Among required parameters is 'communicationId'.

I found an earlier post from 2017: What does 'communicationId' refer to?.

Here it says for voice conversations, you should see it as the ID under "calls." I cannot find "calls" in my

I hope anyone can guide me in the correct direction :slight_smile:

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The communicationId value to be used in the PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/conversations/{conversationId} request to associate an external contact with a conversation corresponds to:

  • the "sessionId" attribute (session with mediaType = voice in the sessions array) of a customer's participant (purpose = customer)
    i.e. in the result of an analytics conversation details request with GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details
  • the "id" attribute (in the calls array - the calls array which is at the participant structure/object level) of a customer's participant (purpose = customer)
    i.e. in the result of a conversation request with GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}

As you can notice, the "sessionId"s from the Analytics request (customer's participant - sessions array) correspond to the "id"s from the Conversation request (customer's participant - messages array). Same values.


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Thanks Jerome for the fast response :slight_smile: :slight_smile:.

Now I am to associate an external contact to a voice conversation.


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