How to find the conversationId of the Selected Interaction in Genesys Cloud?

Hello everyone,

I developed a client application in Genesys PureCloud. I want to perform the following tasks in this web application using purecloud-platform-client-v2.min.js.

  1. I want to find the ID of the clicked interaction and the ID of the previously clicked interaction. I subscribe to the Notifications API with "v2.users.${userId}.conversations". I have three interactions, but my if block is entered twice at a time and out of order. Therefore I cannot find the IDs of clicked and previously clicked conversations. When examining the data of two conversations, there is no feature to indicate which one was selected. Is there a method in JavaScript to achieve this?

function onSocketMessage(event) {
let data =;
let parsedData = JSON.parse(data);
if (parsedData.eventBody.message == "WebSocket Heartbeat") return;
let topic = parsedData.topicName;
if (topic === v2.users.${userParameters.Id}.conversations) {
2) Can I follow only the selected interaction?

Thank you from now.


There is no event generated when a user select an interaction in the UI (I mean no events related to UI actions: click, ...).
What you have noticed via "v2.users.${id}.conversations" is held/retrieved conversation events that happn for some media types (switching between 2 voice conversations will put one on hold and retrieve second one).
But I think this is not something you can rely on (some media types don't have held/retrieved concept, there could be some scenario where no held event will be generated if the conversation is already on hold, ...).


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