How to logout Agents from Genesys via embedded Client

Hi All,

We have agents logging to Genesys via embedded Client with Salesforce. Need to know how we can logout the agents from Genesys via Salesforce.
We have used the inactivity timeout setting also but if an agent is inactive on Genesys but active on Salesforce, then if there is an on going interaction then the call is getting disconnected due to inactivity timeout.

Please suggest how can we logout agents who are available from long time on Genesys.

Payal Sharma

Generally agents will log out on their own using the "logout" button within the embedded client's UI.

If you're looking for mechanisms to automatically log the user out after a period of inactivity, you can certainly use the platform inactivity timeout feature in conjunction with the call center setting to prevent inactivity timeout: Configure call center settings - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

  • Prevent Inactivity Timeout sends a network request periodically to avoid inactivity timeout in Genesys Cloud while the agent is active in Salesforce.For more information, see Set an automatic inactivity timeout.

The way this works is that as long as the Embedded Client is present within Salesforce, it will "ping" the platform to prevent the platform from expiring their token for inactivity. If the user were to close their browser/lock their machine/get logged out of Salesforce for inactivity, then the Genesys Cloud platform's inactivity timer would start from that point. i.e. If salesforce has a 15 minute inactivity timer that will log the user out of Salesforce and Genesys Cloud has a 15 minute inactivity timer and the user walks away from their computer, then at the 15 minute mark the user would see the Salesforce login screen and 15 minutes after that (30 minutes total) they would be logged out of Genesys Cloud.

Hi Richard,

We have enabled the Prevent Inactivity Timeout under our managed package of Salesforce.
Also under genesys we have set the inactivity timeout to 5 mins. And Salesforce session timeout is set to 30 mins.

If I am not on the salesforce browser after 5 min it is logging me out of the Genesys CTI softphone. However this is not happening when I am on the salesforce browser.

And you mentioned that the way it will work is first it will consider the amounts of time set in Salesforce and then of Genesys but seems that it is not happening.

Please let me know how can I achieve this?


I'm not sure I'm following you and what steps are involved in your different scenarios.

The "prevent inactivity timeout" feature within the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce managed package causes the embedded client to periodically hit the Genesys Cloud Public API to prevent it from enforcing an inactivity timeout as long as the embedded client is active in the user's browser. The Genesys Cloud embedded client is not actively considering the timeout settings of the Salesforce application, though that timeout setting will impact the embedded client (when you timeout of Salesforce, the embedded client is no longer active in the user's browser, which prevents it from sending the API call that will prevent the inactivity timeout on the Genesys Cloud platform). With some of the resource optimizations that have recently been added to browsers (like the memory optimization that was recently rolled out in the Chrome browser), simply navigating away from the Salesforce page may be enough to cause the embedded client to no longer be active.

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