How to obtain the Bearer token via API

I hope someone could help with me the below.
Is there anyone know how to get the value of the above redirect_uri in Genesys Cloud?

I try to get the Bearer Token of PureCloud by using the Azure Data Factory.
And from the following Genesys document :
Additional Authorization Parameters (

I am using GET method with the below URL, but unfortunately not know how to get the right value of redirect_uri and not sure if it's right solution for getting Bearer token

Please feel free to advise if there's other good practice.


The redirect_uri must be one of the Authorized redirect URIs listed in the OAuth Client. The redirect_uri must exactly match one of the redirect URIs listed.

See Create an OAuth Client and Grant - Authorization Code for more information.


An OAuth Implicit Grant flow or an OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow imply that you have a user entering his credentials via the Genesys Cloud Login page (web page).

If what you are trying to do is to have a component, that runs server side, and that needs to connect, to authenticate and to get authorized with a Genesys Cloud environment, without a user being involved (I mean without a user being redirected to the Genesys Cloud login page to enter his credentials), then you would need to use an OAuth Client Credentials Grant flow.
Client Credentials is meant for that (server side application that connects to Genesys Cloud with just a ClientId and ClientSecret).

You would need to create an OAuth client, selecting Client Credentials as the Grant type, and assign the roles/divisions to this OAuth client (which will determine what the client is authorized to access from a Platform API standpoint).
There is also a tutorial available for client credentials grant.


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