How to perform screen pop in message interactions


We are currently utilizing the Genesys Cloud CX Salesforce with the auto-answer feature enabled for our digital interactions. We would like to inquire whether there is a possibility of automatically opening the Screen Pop when the agent status is set to handling multiple interactions.

We prefer not to require the agent to click in order to initiate the interaction.
Can you help me ?


hi Victor
You may be able to utilize the extension points that is part of this integration. These extension points, such as Screenpop, provide the ability to customize the client behaviour.



Hello Thomas,

We are already using 'point extension' in order to customize the ScreenPop, although we've configured the auto answer for these Digital interactions and when there is more than one simultaneous interaction, the screen is not being executed automatically.

In this scenario, the user must click in a button for this action to happen, this is not efficient. Look here: Work with auto answer enabled digital interactions - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

Is there another available option?


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