How to Remove the tag "tel:" from phonenumber

am tring to reformat the number what i get it from Architect built-in variable "Message.Message.senderAddressInfo.addressRaw" though inbound message flow.the number is coming with format "tel:phonenumber" example "tel:966566778890" so i would like to know how can i remove the tag "tel:" from the i can pass that number to the data action to retrive the infomations as input .appretiate your support.


You can use something like this in an expression:
Replace(Message.Message.senderAddressInfo.addressRaw, "tel:", "")
This will remove tel:from the string if present.


If the architect variable is a "Phone number" data type, or can be turned into one, there are a variety of built-in properties to help you out.

Check out

And make sure to hit the "Expand All" button to see the different properties that are available, like e164 and subscriberNumber. One of those might be what you are looking for.


Thanks for your support , but still am getting the same format ,seems its not in effecr under " Inbound Message " flow since i used "replace" funtion under "inbount Call" flow with Call.ani its works...any specific for Inbound Message Flow?

@Jason_Mathison ,
Thanks for your support , i go though the document but still "Message.Message.senderAddressInfo.addressRaw" the variable coming with tel:Phonenumber format.

Moving this thread to the architect room.

Hi Javeen,
your variable type ist "Phone number". A phone number always contains the prefix: "tel:"
If you want to work with the phone number in String-operations, for example if you want to compare a number with an entry in a data table, then please try variable type "String". Data Actions do not know the variable type "Phone Number", please use "String", too.

Best regards

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Thanks, @Christoph_Domaschke, its works after changing the variable type.appreciate your support

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