How to use runtime data playback from a Collection List


I'm trying to playback a couple of customer information (Date and Currency) that I have in a Architect Collection.


when I try to playback in the flow using the properties to sayAsCurrency or SayAsDate, I cannot select those collections. I can search for them but when selected a "Expand" option pops up but doesn't let me select the field inside the collection.

Could you please help?

and the screen shot with the expand button


Never understood that expand option, nor see it do anything.
For the ask though what I do is set a Variable to the collection count with expr Count(CollectionName)

Then (assuming != 0 entries) I loop over the count, extract each value from current entry into a separate variable and play those;


Various ways of approaching but loop version works for me.


Thanks Simon.

I also solved the issue with that workarround, but, from my point of view, doesn't make sense having to move to a temporary variable. It should be solved in Genesys with that non-working expand option.

Best regards

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