IfElse AND statement help needed!

My script captures 2 types of call - RPV and nonRPV. When it's RPV call, my wrap up screen prompts the agent to tick 4 boxes. nonRPV - there are 3 boxes to tick.

I'm trying to have the background container for the tick boxes show as RED until all ticks have been checked, then it turns GREEN.

I've created dynamic variables {{Checks1-3}} and {{Checks1-4}} that evaluate to true when the respective tick boxes are ticked. My varaible that controls the background colour is Back_Col.

I've tried variations of this:
ifElse(equal({{isRPV}}, true) and equal({{Checks1-4}}, true) OR ifElse(equal({{Checks1-3}}, true),"#58EE3F", "#EA6642") but can't get it to work. I just don't know how to construct the statement and I'm getting close to guessing what might work! Any help would be appreciated, or if there is a better way to achieve the result I'm open to suggestions.



Something like this should work:
ifElse((equal({{isRPV}}, true) and equal({{Checks1-4}}, true)) or (equal({{isRPV}}, false) and equal({{Checks1-3}}, true)),"#58EE3F", "#EA6642")


Awesome! thanks so much, I appreciate you taking the time to post this. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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