"Impossible to update authenticatedCustomerId" error for authenticated messaging

I am trying to do authenticated messaging.
I can successfully get token from Genesys API:

But, when the chat initialized. I got this error in the websocket downstream data:
Impossible to update authenticatedCustomerId, then the web page looks like this:

My websocket upstream data is:

    "deploymentId": "97173f33-d29b-432a-b966-899fecb5d354",
    "token": "a774d5c0-0727-4c6a-9de5-254f6bc6f5d3",
    "mode": 2,
    "journeyContext": {
        "customer": {
            "id": "a774d5c0-0727-4c6a-9de5-254f6bc6f5d3",
            "idType": "cookie"
        "customerSession": {
            "id": "7dd47e55-48ad-4de7-ab2f-c854e7daba7f",
            "type": "web"
    "action": "configureAuthenticatedSession",
    "data": {
        "code": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImM2YTI0NzFjLWEyYjktNGVlNS1iYmE4LTExZTQ2ZDQ1MTBmOSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ3ZWJtZXNzYWdpbmciLCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOiIxNzA1NDM0NjM0IiwiZGF0YSI6eyJkaWQiOiI5NzE3M2YzMy1kMjliLTQzMmEtYjk2Ni04OTlmZWNiNWQzNTQiLCJ1dWlkIjoiYjNjY2JmMGUtM2VjYy00ZmRlLTg2YTgtODAzZGM5NWFjNGRhIn0sImV4cCI6MTcwNTQzNTUzNSwiaWF0IjoxNzA1NDM0NjM1LCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46cHVyZWNsb3VkOndlYm1lc3NhZ2luZy1hdXRoIiwib3JnIjoiMTY0ZTVkOWItNmMwYS00MzI3LWFiNmEtMzAzZGUzYzE1ZGYwIiwic3ViIjoiNGFiMWMwOWEtNzYxOS00NjgwLTk4NTktYWM3MWY5ZjJlMTNiIn0.u59VHNJ410C7CRh_jvw8HbAPmKSsd5a8aYoTUYJusmDgZeXQPJfFCX_PTPTOdaZ_9HSNXhY6iCIIerNNezFgNBj3uqUj_aKjgBHIbZYy6tJ74XgbRVFbGGec7AyJAcRFli0ERZR4Esdcz6cIxiJ8r0ukoH0_Jeo1sG8L7uezcnTcBAoCOwDguSZNc447BtRRXYV_TtuSqU4uH2ZPo7p3oLOnfPDNEGl8sO6N2psu3QAE94aqVATZWYdK4JREnrw9skRBWHr-OvUx1ddFqxmSgSvZTvTkqsRZekLuWDzCr4HCMWRmDUOsrJiAchJmZlPTzcdhXib6aopjXhZEybzz6w"

My downstream WS that is responding to above upstream data is:

    "type": "response",
    "class": "string",
    "code": 400,
    "body": "Impossible to update authenticatedCustomerId"

So what do you think is the issue? Any suggestion? Anything I missed?


Thanks for reaching out.

It looks like you're not using the right JWT.
A first authenticated session was successfully configured with a given user (sub attribute in JWT) and linked to a given token (e.g. "a774d5c0-0727-4c6a-9de5-254f6bc6f5d3") that points to the Web Messaging session.
Once configured, authenticated user is tied to the session (hence the token) and cannot be changed.
Then subsequent session configuration requests reference a different user than the one assigned initially.
That is why you get this error message.

If you want to start a new session for a new different (authenticated) user, use a new token in the configureSession request.

If you're not falling in this use case, please let us know.

Hope this helps,

Best regards,

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