Information related to not having session metrics for a conversation

Regarding Session Metrics not present in a conversation got update from Genesys Support Team

Genesys is referring to use below endpoints to pass conversationId based on interaction type.
email -
chat -
message -
callback -
If 'connectedTime' parameter is present, then only session metrics is present.

I have checked this internally with the dev team for confirmation.

You just need to check the 'segmentType": "interact' on the external participant (purpose": "customer") for the conversation to know if the external participant have connected successfully to the IVR initially which produces both the 'connectedTime' parameter and the conversation metrics for both the external participant and the IVR. The IVR participant of a conversation does not produce segmentType": "interact but it will show segmentType": "ivr" which just basically means that an interaction is currently processed by an IVR (already connected - ). So if you see segmentType": "interact on the external participant (external user calling for example) and you have IVR set-up in your flow then that automatically means that it has connected successfully to the IVR participant and the IVR would have its own conversation metrics (in this case segmentType": "ivr" will be present for the IVR participant).

Other participants such as 'acd', 'customer' or 'agent' are expected to have the segmentType": "interact". The IVR participant should be the only participant which does not produce the 'segmentType": "interact" but instead produces the segmentType": "ivr" if the customer/external participant did connect successfully.

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