@Eos_Riosfor pulling past day data using Query for conversation details we are using below request body. I have few queries for understanding 1. Why the interval is 7days and segment interval is 1 day? 2. If we use interval and segment interval is 1day can it pull past day data?
I do not understand what you are trying to ask here.
Why are you asking me why you put different ranges in the the interval and the filter?
I would expect you to have a better understanding of why you did something than I would.
Your query is approximately the same as asking for;
select c.*
from conversation c
join segment s on c.conversationid = s.conversationid
where c.interval between '2024-05-03 10:30:00.0000000+05:30' and '2024-05-11T10:30:00.0000000+05:30'
and s.segmentend between '2024-05-10T05:00:00Z' and '2024-05-11T05:00:00Z'
Can you do it? Yeah.
Is it valid syntaxually? Yeah.
Does it make sense? Maybe?
You're still going to get any portions of the conversation that occured prior to yesterday even if you only ask for segments that ended yesterday because you will always get the entire conversation from a conversation query.
Asking for all conversations in the past week that had a segment yesterday doesn't seem like it'd get you anything more or less than if you just asked for everything with an interval of yesterday.