I know Genesys is adding inqueue flow for digital channels but we also learnt that this will not be available for guest chat. Our customer already has guest chat and migration to open messaging is not possible right now. How we can "easily" inject chat messages into an existing guest chat communication from the Purecloud side (such as with API)? It is required when we transfer chat to another queue. For webchat we can use /api/v2/conversations/chats/xxxxx/communications/yyyyyy/messages and it works well. For guest chat we have /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/messages but we dont know the JWT to insert a message. The chat is initiated from a 3rd party (chatbot) and we (supporting the platform) dont know the JWT, so the question is if there is a way to figure out the JWT via the platform API or if there is any other OAUTH2 based API which can be used to inject a chat message into the guest chat.
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