Input variable substring in Data Action

Hi Everyone,

We need to use /api/v2/conversations/messages/agentless genesys cloud endpoint to send a whatsapp

However customer provided the number in e.164 format and whatsapp only accept e.164 without + sign.

We received phone number into calling list, then we can modify the phone number into architect or using other method.

The only way i see is using the java class ReplaceFirst, but i tried but it doesn't work.

We need to sustract + sign for p_toAddress input variable.

Here you are the json request configuration.

"requestUrlTemplate": "/api/v2/conversations/messages/agentless",
"requestType": "POST",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"requestTemplate": "{\n "fromAddress": "f8ac5175-92fb-4468-92ad-af5e084ea365",\n "toAddress": "${input.p_toAddress}",\n "toAddressMessengerType": "whatsapp",\n "textBody": "",\n "messagingTemplate": {\n "responseId": "70e72153-e86e-458e-b3ac-b44aeda0f367",\n "parameters": [\n {\n "id": "AGENT_NAME",\n "value": "Evolutio"\n }\n ]\n },\n "useExistingActiveConversation": true\n}"

Could someone help us with this, please?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Everyone,

I could able to fix the issue.


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