Is Genesys Cloud Oauth BearerToken is a JWT signed?

Hi Everyone,

Just anyone can help to confirm,

We would like to make Genesys Cloud API call from Salesforce, which this API call need a Bearer Token in the authorisation. So pre activity of this, to generate Bearer Token using Login Implicit Grant method by using Salesforce page redirection.

There's a security question for this, is Bearer Token generated from Login Implicit Grant is JWT signed?
If anyone can help advise, very appreciate.

Thank you


The bearer tokens generated from the OAuth Implicit Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Authorization Code Grant, PKCE Grant and SAML2 Grant flows (with Genesys Cloud) are NOT JWT tokens.


Thanks @Jerome.Saint-Marc ,

but just want to confirm if the bearer tokens generated from the OAuth Implicit Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Authorization Code Grant, PKCE Grant and SAML2 Grant flows is a digitally signed bearer token (no need JWT, as long digitally signed) ?

Looking forward for response.

Thank you


No. They are not digitally signed.


hi @Jerome.Saint-Marc

Thank you for confirmation, appreciate for this.


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