Is it possible to know the dependencies of a flow?

Hello everyone,

I just want to know if before using archy in order to publish a flow, I could take the info of which dependencies affect to it so I can create them in the target organization before publishing the archy flow.

I haven't found any solutions/workarounds anywhere, any ideas?

Thanks beforehand,


Archy does not have a command to get that info, but the UI will display it for a flow in Resources -> Dependencies

What about requesting that info from GC CLI or Python SDK? Is there any other way?

Thanks for the reply,


Hi @isallen,
It looks like you could do a GET/api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/consumedresources?id={{FLOW_ID}}&version={{FLOW_VERSION}}&objectType={{FLOW_TYPE}} to get the resources dependencies that are being used in a flow. It looks like this is what you would want to use with the python sdk - I tested this out in a flow of mine using the API endpoint (not the python sdk) and am seeing things like

      "id": "genesys",
      "name": "Genesys TTS",
      "type": "TTSENGINE",
      "deleted": false,
      "selfUri": "/api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/object?id=genesys&objectType=TTSENGINE"


      "id": "my_queue_id",
      "name": "MyQueueName",
      "type": "QUEUE",
      "deleted": false,
      "selfUri": "/api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/object?id=my_queue_id&objectType=QUEUE"

so I think this is what you would want. And you can also narrow down the different resource types you are looking for using the resource_type = ['resource_type_example'] parameter option for the call. In the link above it has a list of available resource types you can pass in under the resource_type in the Parameters section.


Hi Isuko,

You can also use the CLI to get this information via the gc architect dependencytracking command. Our entire API is mirrored in the CLI so anything you call in via a REST call you can usually invoke via our CLI.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

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