Issue syncing Salesforce campaign members to Genesys Campaigns contact lists

We are using campaign management in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce to sync Salesforce campaign members to Genesys campaign contact lists for our outbound dialler campaigns. A couple of weeks ago the campaign members in Salesforce campaigns stopping syncing to Genesys Cloud campaign lists on all our campaigns. We can see in Salesforce apex logs that the Contact List sync job is now failing to run with error: Too many queueable jobs added to the queue: 2.

We have logged support ticket with Salesforce as we thought maybe there is a stuck process or something and they said it is a code issue with the Genesys managed package. We logged a support ticket with Genesys who advised us to update our managed package to latest version which should resolve it which we did but it didn't resolve the issue.

Has anyone experienced this issue before with Salesforce campaign sync to Genesys and know how to fix it?

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