Issue with Division Filter in WrapupCodes vs Presence Definitions API

Hello Team,

We are currently using the WrapupCodes and Presence Definitions APIs to retrieve data filtered by divisions.

WrapupCodes API:

We are making the following request to get data based on a specific divisionId:
GET /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes?divisionId=65737c1d---****-****4c72ecfc

The response includes wrapup codes for multiple divisions, and the divisionId is correctly handled, showing "id": "*", indicating that it applies to all divisions.

"entities": [
"id": "-b2ea32a652c4",
"name": "Agent Response Timeout",
"division": {
"id": "*"
"description": "",
"dateCreated": "2025-01-21T15:29:50.795Z",
"createdBy": "
"selfUri": "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/-b2ea32a652c4"
"id": "
"name": "Agent Response Waiting",
"division": {
"id": "65737c1d----4c72ecfc"
"description": "[InApp]",
"dateCreated": "2025-01-21T15:29:29.962Z",
"createdBy": "
"selfUri": "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/*****-6d5ee371f0df"
"pageSize": 25,
"pageNumber": 1,
"total": 23,
"lastUri": "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&divisionId=65737c1d-
"firstUri": "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&divisionId=65737c1d-
"selfUri": "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&divisionId=65737c1d-
"pageCount": 1

Presence Definitions API:

However, when making the following request to retrieve presence definitions based on a specific divisionId:
GET /api/v2/presence/definitions?divisionId=65737c1d---****-****4c72ecfc

We are receiving the following response:
"total": 0,
"entities": [],
"selfUri": "/api/v2/presence/definitions"

Expected Behavior:
We would expect the same behavior as the WrapupCodes API, where the divisionId="*" should return presence definitions for all divisions. However, the response currently shows no data (total: 0, entities: []).

Without Division Filter:

When we make the request without applying the divisionId filter, we receive a response with data for multiple divisions, including the expected "divisionId": "*":

GET /api/v2/presence/definitions
"total": 12,
"entities": [
"id": "227b37e2-***",
"type": "System",
"languageLabels": {},
"systemPresence": "Break",
"divisionId": "",
"deactivated": false,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/presence/definitions/227b37e2-
"selfUri": "/api/v2/presence/definitions"

Is this the expected behavior for the Presence Definitions API when filtering by divisionId? Should we expect the same results as seen in the WrapupCodes API, where divisionId="*" returns data for all divisions?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

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