Java Script not generating a URL

I have a client who needs to have GC execute a java script within an application to have the app pop up the right record. This Java script is NOT generating a URL. It is literally popping up the record inside the application. Genesys/TTEC is saying that this is not possible to execute within GC. Assuming they are right, what sort of “gateway” service could be created to work around this issue? Maybe GC sends data to a compatible service and then this service runs the Java script on behalf of GC. Or other ideas? Here are the details. Client already reached out to this company and based on this version (upgrade is out of the question), there are no other options.

Akcelerant / Themenos Screen Pop Code

Per our conversation today – I went and looked at both our old Windows form code and our new Chrome Extension / JavaScript. It looks like in both instances we are executing a custom script they built for us… so I'm not sure the simple URL navigation will work for the pop. For each program, I find the correct tab that has the application open and then execute the script.

Windows Form / ICELiB / C#

                var doc = ie.Document as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2;
                var win = (IHTMLWindow2)doc.parentWindow;
                win.execScript("DialerCallArrive('" + CustAttrMemNum + "','ACCTNUMBER'," + 0 + ");", "javascript");

Chrome Extension / ICWS / JavaScript

function f_akCode(memNum){
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.textContent = "DialerCallArrive('" + memNum + "','ACCTNUMBER',0);";
    //Pop Akcelerant
    chrome.tabs.query({ url: akcelerantURL + "*" }, function (results) {
        if (results.length != 0) {
            //New way - call it through a function
            console.log("Popping Akcelerant for MemNum: " + memNum);
                    target : {tabId : results[0].id},
                    func : f_akCode,
                    args : [memNum]

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