Java SDK throws rate limit exception occasionally

hi All,
I know all about rate limiting and the HTTP 429 response and that these rate limiting messages are handled by the Java platform SDK so I dont need to worry about it. Just to confirm, I am exporting specific data and that is why rate limiting comes in, it is not because of trying to make too many updates in a short amount of time.
Normally (99%) of the time this rate limiting works well and I dont see anything about being rate limited (other than the application stops producing logs until we can continue) but RARELY my application logs that HTTP 429 is received and it fails (because i dont handle this as this is supposed to be handled by the SDK).
"message":"Rate limit exceeded the maximum. Retry the request in [1] seconds"

Am I missing something? Shouldnt the SDK handle all these silently and my code shouldnt need to worry about this? How can these come through - again, very rarely?

Hi Zsolt,

The retry logic will retry based on the retry-after. However, the SDK will give up after X number of times. Based on the message above, you are running out of the rate limit attempts after retrying multiple times.

I would open a ticket with Care to see if they can investigate why you are exhausting the retry-after attempts. Something unusual could be going on with the underlying service.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Thanks John, I will try to open a case for this. The challenge I face is here is that it happens rarely so it is not easy to catch it even if it run the application with the same parameters 10 times.

Hi Zslot,

In the APIResponse object we give you the ability to grab the headers from the response. There is a ININ-CORRELATION-ID. If you log the correlation id, It will allow the Genesys Engineers to track down to that specific API call. If you log that you and put it in the support ticket that should help immediately.


Yep, I used he ININ-CORRELATION-ID header before for troubleshooting with Genesys cloud. Previously I thought this is a bug in the SDK but now I start to think that the SDK retries and it gives up after some attempts so Genesys support should be able to see if this is the case and why.
thanks again,

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