JsonPath expression to extract User attribute values

calling: /api/v2/scim/users/the-guid-for-some-user

I get JSON containing:

"id": "the user id",
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension: enterprise:2.0:User": {
"division": "Home",
"department": "IT Delivery Web",
"employeeNumber": "20804"

Integrating this with Sailpoint IdentityIQ, the Attribute Path syntax for "id" is simply: id (and it works fine)

I can't figure out the syntax I should use for extracting "Division" and "employeeNumber" from "User" though.

I've tried these three variations with no luck:

urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension: enterprise:2.0:User.division
...the same, but with a single backslash preceding each colon
...the same, but with a double backslash preceding each colon

Can anyone help with the proper syntax?

see if this works


Unfortunately that did not work.

Maybe I haven't read the documentation thoroughly enough yet, but you'd think there would be something noted on this somewhere.

If you look here:

It is using this syntax:

...but that doesn't work in Sailpoint.

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