LDAP sync and SCIM using LSC

We are using LSC to sync ldap users/groups to Genesys via scim.
All is working quite well except the "clean" i.e if a user is deleted from a identified group it must be deleted also on Genesys side.
This "clean phase" is detailed there : lsc-project.org/doku.php/documentation/latest/basics

During the first step list of usernames on genesys, there are systematically 4 errors detected.
Do you have any idea of origin of these errors ? No such username exist at genesys side for sure.


Apr 07 11:17:04 [main] - INFO - Starting clean for Users

Apr 07 11:17:21 [main] - ERROR - Could not retrieve the object integration-generic-bf6af380-5e30-11ea-8549-f1e0bf62b92f@webhook.com from the directory!

Apr 07 11:17:21 [main] - ERROR - Could not retrieve the object integration-generic-9edaaa60-6214-11ea-b55f-4fde23c74b04@webhook.com from the directory!

Apr 07 11:17:22 [main] - ERROR - Could not retrieve the object integration-generic-0440da30-860c-11ea-8a5f-2566de206d9c@webhook.com from the directory!

Apr 07 11:17:22 [main] - ERROR - Could not retrieve the object integration-generic-6e907840-860d-11ea-8a5f-2566de206d9c@webhook.com from the directory!

Apr 07 11:17:50 [main] - ERROR - All entries: 178, to modify entries: 0, successfully modified entries: 0, errors: 4

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