List all conversations waiting in a queue

We sometimes times get requests to disconnect all interactions in a queue (no we do not encourage it)

Is it possible to get a CLI function added that will list all the conversation Ids in a queue?


Hi Mike,

The CLI is basically a wrapper around the public API, so we can't add a specific command for that.

Using the POST /api/v2/analytics/queues/observations/query as follows will list all active conversations for a given queue.

 "filter": {
  "type": "or",
  "predicates": [
    "type": "dimension",
    "dimension": "queueId",
    "operator": "matches",
    "value": "158bd9f9-a07c-4a96-a22d-eca72929e3f9"
 "metrics": [
 "detailMetrics": [

The CLI command for that endpoint is gc analytics queues observations query create

JQ can be used to extract the conversationIds from the response body.

The quick hits repo has some good examples on how to use the CLI combined with JQ for data manipulation.

1 Like

Thanks Ronan, your answer is perfect - and flexible


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