List index out of range error in Python

Hello team,

We are using the API:


We use this API to bring all the interactions of a range time from Genesys Cloud to insert that information to a SQL table.

It has been working well for 3 years until last May 27th. We are getting the error 'list index out of range error', so the information about that interaction is not recorded in the table or in some cases it is recorded, but it does not bring the information other than the conversation id. It only happens with outbound interactions.

Does anyone have any idea why it suddenly started sending that error?

Any ideas?


This typically means that your application failed to check the length of an array before accessing its members. The typical resolution to this issue is to add logic to your code to validate the length of an array to ensure that the position you're about to access is within the bounds of the array.


Thank you for your help!

It works now. The api that we use change, so we did not have that part.


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