Location cannot be updated or deleted

When I used Platform API Python Client PATCH patch_location,
the data could not be updated or deleted from the Genesys Cloud administration screen.
How can I delete it?

delete /api/v2/locations/{locationId} returned the response
"The request failed with response code: 404. Message: Entity [person] is not found by _id [66ea996e7c95402d2ac87f54]"

GET /api/v2/locations returned the response:
"The request failed with response code: 404. Message: Entity [user] is not found by _id [66ea996e7c95402d2ac87f54]".

browser [admin > Directory > Locations] All fields are empty and can't input and delete button not work

What else can I try?

Platform API Python Client patch_location(), Passed a LocationUpdateDefinition object containing only contact_user and version parameters.

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