Login page does not appear in Safari(iframe) when using Authorization Code Grant

We are trying to authenticate with Authorization Code Grant using an iframe in our web app.

On Chrome and Edge, the Genesys Cloud login page appeared in the iframe, and the authentication process went well.
However, when I checked on Safari (Mac/iPad), the Genesys Cloud login page did not appear in the iframe and the following error message appeared

When we checked using window.open, the Genesys Cloud login page was displayed in Safari as well, but for us, we need to make it work in an iframe.

Is it possible to make it work in Safari by adding an attribute to the iframe?

Could you provide a screenshot of this window with the error? What is the full URL of the window when you see the error?


Doing a quick Google Search, it appears to be a limitation/constraint with Safari.

Safari will not allow a web app displayed in an iframe to set/store cookies -> Safari rejects it with "bad csrf" token.

I was able to make it work with a change of preferences in Safari.
In Safari's Preferences, select Privacy tab, and disable "Prevent cross-site tracking".

I didn't do an extensive Google search - but I don't think there are other solutions (when the second site - exposed in the iframe - is not under the developer's control) apart from changing the Privacy preferences or using another method than iframe.


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