I am aware of the settings where we add the markdown=true to the frontend code for the Webchat V2, to enable shorter hyperlinks, Italics and bolds. But for some reason, this is not working for my front-end webchat, and I am not sure why, and need little help getting this to work properly.
What is interesting is that the correct formatting is displayed on the Agent side but not for the Customer. Here I am just using a sample I found here in the forum.
I have just tried enabling markdown in the Genesys Widgets and run a test. It is still working fine.
I am triggering a Send Response (Message style = Standard) from my Architect Inbound Chat flow with same message, and markdown is applied properly on Widgets side.
Where/how are you setting your markdown parameter? Do you have a Url to share to see what you have in your page?
Thanks Jerome,
I am just running it locally through XAMPP, could that be the problem?
But here is what the code looks like:
I don't know for XAMPP.
But you are defining your markdown parameter value as string.
Please try with boolean: "markdown": true
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My horrible mistake, this was the issue...... I just read it had to be Boolean, but It just didn't connect, in my brain!
So case closed 
Thanks so much for the help Jerome