Match 'inin-outbound-id' to 'ID' universal unique ID

how to match 'inin-outbound-id' to 'conversationId'?


how to match 'inin-outbound-id' to 'ID' universal unique ID?

I've found that the conversionId can be matched to the inin-outbound-id, aka, outbound_contact_id, by using conversation_details.conversations, this is been solved. However, I've noticed that some conversationId entries are missing an outbound_contact_id. They are 'None', which bring the difficulty to match to right contact person.

Specifically, I am trying to match the conversationId to our company data, which was imported as a .csv file during the contact list upload or list management. We have been able to download audio recordings and existing conversations, but we currently cannot match these conversations with corresponding customers in contact lists. We need a method to correctly associate each conversations with the respective customer, ideally to the uploaded .csv file in contact list, with a inin-outbound-id. Is there a way to achieve this?

All calls made from a campaign will have the campaign ID on them. If a conversation does not have a campaign ID, it was not part of a campaign. If you are finding conversations that were dialed from a campaign but do not have a campaign ID set on the data, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to report the issue with your org's data.

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