Max Page size related to Get list of deleted users

Hi Team,
I tried to get deleted users by using below url,groups,skills,employerInfo,team,authorization&state=deleted&pageNumber=101

Get the list of available users.

  • I tried to get with Pagesize 100 and PageNumber 101 and it failed, but it succeeded upto PageNumber 100
  • I tried to get with Pagesize 50 and PageNumber 201 and it failed, but it succeeded upto PageNumber 200
  • I tried to get with Pagesize 25 and PageNumber 401 and it failed, but it succeeded upto PageNumber 400
  • I tried to get with Pagesize 10 and PageNumber 1001 and it failed, but it succeeded upto PageNumber 1000

    The deleted user count here is 73911.
    If you observe the issue is getting triggered after 10,000 records. Is there any 10,000 records limit on deleted users?

I'm not aware of any documented limit relating to this. Please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate the error.

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sure @tim.smith , Thank you .
will open case today.
Here it is just telling Bad Request not displaying any error

In the Genesys UI below is the information

It is telling unable to load results more than 1000 results please filter your search to lower the amount of results.
I think if we use state active, inactive or deleted it is utilizing Search limits
Max Number of Paginated Results: 10,000
Max Page Size: 100

@tim.smith @John_Carnell
I applied the workaround and able to retrieve the results.,groups,skills,employerInfo,team,authorization&state=any&pageNumber=741

If i use state= 'any' it is working as per my requirement and retrieving all the results

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