Mismatch in Swagger response model and actual response


We are looking at using the /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings in our application to retrieve historical messages.

There is a slight discrepancy in what the ApiExplorer/Swagger shows will be returned and what is actually returned.

In particular we are looking at the following two properties for RecordingMessagingMessage:

  • purpose
  • participantId

The above two properties are returned in json response, but are not included in the swagger response.

This means when we attempt to use the .NET SDK Client, they do not get de-serialized and are not available for use. We have tried on the latest nuget v198.0.0. The discrepancy also exists in the backing swagger on the API.

The question is which is correct? Is the Api response correct or will these properties be removed from the API response in future.

Thank you.

Swagger model

Actual response

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