Missing fields in the response of GetConversationRecordings

I'm currently using the .NET SDK to fetch conversation recordings via the GetConversationRecordings API (/api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings). However, I've encountered an issue where several fields present in the API response are missing from the corresponding .NET SDK response class (List<Recording>).

The fields missing in the .NET SDK are:

  1. externalContacts
  2. participantId
  3. events
  4. workflow (includes id and selfUri)
  5. queue (includes id and selfUri)

These fields are returned correctly when using Postman, but they do not have definitions in the Recording class provided by the .NET SDK.

Could anyone assist me in accessing these fields using the .NET SDK? If these fields are not currently included in the SDK, can the SDK be updated to support them?

These are not supported properties. Please open a case with Care or request that support be added for them at genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io.

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