MMSDK 1.7 Beta onMessage events with fragment

When the 1.7.0 Fragment is in the background I can still see the "onMessage" events happening in Logcat but how can i recieve this in the "chatContorller" or another SDK item to then let the user know that there is a message waiting so then they can click back to load the Fragment back into the view?

I undersatnd that "Push Notifications" are future roadmap but this is not for that use case this is when the app is open but they are in another part of the app with the Fragment still open. Im hoping there is no need to wait for the full push notificaiotn feature for this as the client does recieve the onMessage.

I assume there is already a SDK endpoint for this as it does recieve the message and log it out.

Hi Matt,

Currently, the MMSDK does not have an official API to notify about new messages. However, it is planned to be implemented in the future.

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