MyPureCloud / quick-hits-java - replacing deprecated GetRoutingQueueUsersRequest


When trying the, I saw that there is a call to a deprecated method. (source is at GitHub - MyPureCloud/quick-hits-java)

Can somebody update the following lines:
from line 61:
GetRoutingQueueUsersRequest getRoutingQueueUsersRequest = GetRoutingQueueUsersRequest.builder()
ArrayList members = new ArrayList<>();
try {
QueueMemberEntityListing routingQueueUsers = routingApi.getRoutingQueueUsers(getRoutingQueueUsersRequest);

GetRoutingQueueMembersRequest getRoutingQueueMembersRequest = GetRoutingQueueMembersRequest.builder()
ArrayList members = new ArrayList<>();
try {
QueueMemberEntityListing routingQueueUsers = routingApi.getRoutingQueueMembers(getRoutingQueueMembersRequest);

Thanks in advance,


Would you mind submitting a PR for this change? The repo is open source; contributions are welcome.

Sure, I didn't know that we were able to send contributions.

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