Need OpenId Connect parameters for Genesys Cloud

We know Genesys Cloud supports OAuth 2.0.
We are using AWS Cognito and want to add Genesys Cloud as an Identity Provider e.g. Login with Genesys Cloud

For that, we need these parameters for OIDC

  • Client ID ✓
  • Client secret ✓
  • Issuer URL ✓
  • Authorization endpoint ✓
  • Token endpoint ✓
  • UserInfo endpoint ✓
  • Jwks_uri endpoint ✗

We need Jwks_uri then we can be supposed to add Genesys Cloud as a Login option in AWS Cognito
If I am missing something please do guide me

Thank you

OIDC is built as a series of extension grants on top of OAuth2. Many of the same attributes and endpoints are the same, but Genesys Cloud does not support those extensions.
If your use case allows, it should be possible to configure Genesys Cloud to use AWS Cognito as a generic identity provider.

Hello John,
I believe we need to use Genesys Cloud as the identity provider, allowing users to log in with Genesys Cloud credentials.
So, the user will go to (e.g. and on this page, there would be a button for Login With Genesys Cloud.
To implement this in AWS Cognito, we require the Jwks_uri endpoint from Genesys Cloud. As per the Genesys Documentation About Genesys Authentication - Genesys Documentation, it supports OpenID Connect. Could you please provide the Jwks_uri endpoint for integration?

Thanks you

Hi John,

If Genesys Cloud doesn't support OpenID Connect extensions, could you suggest an alternative solution to achieve the desired outcome? Specifically, I aim to have a user visit (e.g., where there will be a button for Login With Genesys Cloud.

Looking forward to your response. Thank you!

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