Need some help with Data Action Translation Map

Hi, I am trying to manipulate response and trying to filter fields using translation map. I am using info from one of the old posts

"translationMap": {
"postcodeValue": "$.['post code']",
"countryValue": "$.country",
"countryabbrevValue": "$.['country abbreviation']",
"placesValue": "$.places"
"successTemplate": "{"post code": ${postcodeValue}, "country": ${countryValue}, "country abbreviation": ${countryabbrevValue}, "places": ${placesValue}} "

I have replaced my values with this but when I test I am getting error - Unable to resolve Key Balance:, Does this mean unable to find this field in SAP ?

"translationMap": {
"Balance": "$.['Balance']",
"DueDate": "$.['DueDate']",
"Amount": "$.['Amount']"

"translationMapDefaults": {},
"successTemplate": "{"Balance": ${Balance} ,"DueDate": ${DueDate},"Amount": ${Amount}}"

Any help will be appreciated !1 Thanks

If you haven't already, please take the output from the endpoint and test your json path on a tool like:

and verify that the json path you are using for 'balance' gets you the results that you want.

If you are unable to resolve your issue that way, please post the response from the endpoint so we can help you out.


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