New endpoint for updating/deleting inactivity timeout

We have introduced a new API resource to allow you to update and enable/disable the inactivity timeout feature:

Please let me know if you have any feedback on this new resource!


I tested PUT /api/v2/tokens/timeout and it gives below results

If I pass :
"enableIdleTokenTimeout": false

It Fails if I Pass :
"idleTokenTimeoutSeconds": 0,
"enableIdleTokenTimeout": false

Hi Anurag, I'm sorry - I am not following you. Can you share with me both API calls you made, including the body of each call, and the responses you get for each?

Please find below


"idleTokenTimeoutSeconds": 0,
"enableIdleTokenTimeout": false
"message": "[must be greater than or equal to 300]",
"code": "constraint.validation",
"status": 400,
"contextId": "2c4f51da-d5bf-4346-b4b5-971095b84717",
"details": [],
"errors": []


"enableIdleTokenTimeout": false
"idleTokenTimeoutSeconds": 0,
"enableIdleTokenTimeout": false

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Thank you Anurag. Yes, if you include "idleTokenTimeoutSeconds" in the body of the PUT call, you must specify 300-28800 seconds, even if you are setting "enableIdleTokenTimeout" to false. This allows us to have a single endpoint for both updating and disabling the setting.