New evaluation for interaction using python SDK

I'm trying to create evaluation of an interaction using Python SDK by following this documentation reference:-

My request body is in this following format:-

  "evaluation_form": {
    "id": ""
  "evaluator": {
    "id": ""
  "agent": {
    "id": ""
  "answers": {
    "question_group_scores": [
        "question_group_id": "",
        "question_group_scores": [
            "question_id": "",
            "answer_id": "",
            "comments": ""
            "question_id": "",
            "answer_id": "",
            "comments": ""
  "status": "INPROGRESS"

But it is returning this error in response:- (400)

Reason: Bad Request

HTTP response body:

    "message":"Agent user is required to create an evaluation",

I already tried various possible ways(agent_id:"", agentId:"","", agent_id:{"id":""}) to send agent id in the request body but it is returning only this error in response.

Also I tried using{conversationId}/evaluations in postman and it is working. But for Python SDK it is throwing Agent User required error.

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