Not recieving data for agent performance summary view from ReportingExportJobRequest in Analytics API

Hi, I am using the analytics api and the ReportingExportJobRequest() endpoint to generate an agent performance summary view. Then I use get_analytics_reporting_exports() to retrieve the download URL and use the s3 link/actual download link within the content of the download URL to download the agent performance view that I just generated. The issue I am facing is that I don't get any data besides the column headers which is the opposite of using the same API's in the cloud developer tools section of Genesys cloud. I get the expected data from the API when I run it in the cloud developer tools in my web browser but not from Python script, I am not receiving any errors as well. The script and API's executes smoothly and I have debugged through it. I have also verified by running the same days in the py script and the cloud developer tools. The payload options are the same, not sure why I get no data just the column headers.

Please advise on how to proceed, I use these same api endpoints to pull the queue performance summary and I have no issue.

@tim.smith would you be able to help out with this? Is it possible that the particular view is malfunctioning for the API? Not sure why it would work in Genesys Cloud but not via script the payload info is identical

Sounds like maybe you're authorizing as client credentials in your app and those credentials have different access to divisioned data than your user. What data you get in API responses or reports isn't something we can investigate via the forum though. If you can't identify why the report is lacking data, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate further.

I am authorizing as client credentials , any idea which authentication method would allow me to view the data or is it a permission that needs to be set for the client credentials?
If I need to change auth methods I am thinking I should use the OAuth SAML2 Bearer Grant.

The auth method itself isn't the issue. Divisions overview - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

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Got the issue resolved our Genesys Admins applied the permissions that are required for the Agents Performance Summary View

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