Notification Tool


I am looking to do some testing of this new feature:


But when I go into the Notifications tool to subscribe to a conversation's transcription Topic, I am unable to use the notification tool to test this, even though the topic is supported in WebSocket form (or at least the documentation says it is). Is this an issue with the documentation or should I be able to test this functionality within the Notification Tools?

My other comment would be that each topic is supposed to have the color classification for what type of Event processing it supports (WebSocket, EventBridge or Process Automation). A topic like this, doesn't have those colors. As I've been looking for the right topics, this filter has caused more confusion than help as I've tried to understand where I can get those messages from, because the color filter does not seem to properly work. notice on the one below, it specifies two Transports, but there is no color associated with it.


Thank you for reporting those issues. They have all been fixed now.


Thank you, Ebenezer!