Nuget Package error

So I have a web forms application. Most of the projects in the solution uses .Net Framework 4.0 version.
So I created a new project, named as 'PureCloud'. Tried installing the PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2 sdk from the Nuget Solution. It always fails with below error:
"Could not install package 'PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2 69.0.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author."

Note: I have modified the project version, to 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.7.1, 4.7.2. But it errors out all the time. I also tried clearing the Nuget Cache.


The SDK is built targeting .NET 4.5.2 and is published to nuget as a .NET Core 2.0 package. The nuget package should be compatible with .NET 4.6.1 or later per the compatibility table. I tested this by creating a new .NET 4.7.1 app in Visual Studio 2017 and was able to add the package successfully:

I did find this article that indicates that if you're using Paket, it doesn't consider the .NET framework is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 until 4.7.2.

Hi Tim,
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Could it be because my solution is using webforms?
I created PureCloud as a new vb project with all the frameworks i mentioned earlier as well.
But nothing works :frowning:

Will investigate further, but no clue.
Also, can i integrate with PureCloud without using this sdk? I am interested in getting the users and similar things from purecloud.
Thank you,

I don't believe that using webforms should have any impact on the ability to retrieve a package. I did another test creating a VB.NET class library project targeting 4.7.2 and was able to add the SDK to that package as well. You might try creating a new project from scratch and add the SDK before doing anything at all in the project to see if it's something in your current project that's causing the issue.

You could also try adding the DLL manually. You can find the SDK and dependency DLLs here:

You can certainly use the API without the SDK, you'll just have to write the code to make the API requests yourself. You can use the SDK source code as a guide, but it's written in C# so you can't just copy/paste into your VB app.

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So it didn't work even on a new Class Library project which indeed is really weird. However, I am able to reference the dlls pointed by you. Referencing these, I hope I can call the Client sdk functions right?
Thank you Tim,

Yep, the nuget package just has PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.dll and PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.xml in it.

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Thank you, I will create a new thread if i bump into any new issues during development.

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