OAuth - Authorized redirect URIs


The customer web application has a dynamic URL format.

For example:

So, in the OAuth within PureCloud, I tried the following:

But obviously, it does not work.

What is the possible solution while I am using "Token Implicit Grant (Browser)" in order to let the customer create an outbound campaigns from his application.

Note: the customer cannot use NodeJS!

Is there a way to deal with dynamic URIs?

Please, any solutions? Suggestions?

Best Regards,

you would need to use the state param in the oauth flow to hold the id, then redirect to a known page, have the page get the state and redirect to the correct id

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Dear Kevin,

Thank you for your reply.

So, does that mean I have to edit the URI with the state param inside OAuth-PureCloud as well as redirect_URL inside my code?

Best Regards,

The state parameter is documented here: Additional Authorization Parameters. The JavaScript SDK also supports it; see the implicit grant section.

Thank you, Tim.

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