Oauth client for Integration in Genesys Cloud through Terraform

Hello all,

I asked this question already in one of the topics, but I still can not solve the problem. I need to connect Integration with pureCloudOAuthClient, but without hard coding the clientId and clientSecret. I will leave a piece of my code here and ask for help, it would be greate if some of you could help me;)

resource "genesyscloud_oauth_client" "example-client" {
name = "Example Data Actions Client"
access_token_validity_seconds = 86400
authorized_grant_type = "CLIENT-CREDENTIALS"
state = "active"
roles {
role_id = data.genesyscloud_auth_role.agent_role.id
division_id = data.genesyscloud_auth_division.division.id
data "genesyscloud_auth_role" "agent_role" {
name = "Master Admin"
data "genesyscloud_auth_division" "division" {
name = "Home"
resource "genesyscloud_integration" "integration" {
intended_state = "ENABLED"
integration_type = "purecloud-data-actions"
config {
name = "Test"
credentials = {
pureCloudOAuthClient = genesyscloud_integration_credential.credential.id
resource "genesyscloud_integration_credential" "credential" {
name = "credential"
credential_type_name = "pureCloudOAuthClient"
fields = {
clientId = genesyscloud_oauth_client.example-client.id
clientSecret = genesyscloud_oauth_client.example-client.clientSecret

I am looking forward to your replys
Best regards


Hi Maria!

Not sure if that helps, but I do it like this:

  • define the variable with a dummy value, eg. oauthclient_id ="xyz"in the terraform.tfvars file
  • use the variable in the code:
provider "genesyscloud" {
  oauthclient_id = var.oauthclient_id
  oauthclient_secret = var.oauthclient_secret
  aws_region = var.aws_region
  sdk_debug = true
  • Finally, the real parameter is passed at runtime:
    terraform apply -var aws_region=$1 -var oauthclient_id=$2 -var oauthclient_secret=$3



Hi Maria,

You can also do this by setting the following environment variables:


With these environment variables set, you do not need to set oauthclient_id, oauthclient_secret, aws_region. You can find configuration information about the provider here.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

@Syxtus_Gaal @John_Carnell, thank you so much for your answers. How I understood it is helpful with the oauth client that is already created and I am working with that, but is it also be working with the client that is only in process of creation and I am not working from it? So I need to in one-time terraform plan, apply create client and integration and take credentials from that client that is creating.

Best regards