Obtain exact calculation oservicelevel metric

I'm having issues to calculate the today's service level of one and many queues. (Already gathered the list that I want to average and the individual ones I want to calculate.)

Currently I'm using conversations/aggregates/query to return the "oServiceLevel" metric. Using this structure:

                query = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.ConversationAggregationQuery()
                query.interval = date_str
                query.metrics = ['oServiceLevel']
                query.group_by = ['queueId']
                query.filter = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.ConversationAggregateQueryFilter()
                query.filter.type = 'or'
                query.filter.predicates = [PureCloudPlatformClientV2.ConversationAggregateQueryPredicate()]
                query.filter.predicates[0].type = 'dimension'
                query.filter.predicates[0].dimension = 'queueId'
                query.filter.predicates[0].operator = 'matches'
                query.filter.predicates[0].value = queue_id

                query_result = analytics_api.post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query(query)
                serviceLevel = query_result.results[0].data[0].metrics[0].stats.ratio

And timestamp "[Today date]T00:00:00.000Z/[Tomorrow date]T00:00:00.000Z"
While it does work to obtain "a value"
It does not return the exact value that Genesys returns through the online platform which is what I need.

As well for many queues group average service level for today, I group them all and do a little math to obtain the average, but same thing it doesn't return the proper value.

The math:

group_average_service_level = {k: round((sum(v) / len(v)) * 100) for k, v in group_service_levels.items()}

Most likely there's a variable I'm not taking in mind but the Queue Performance tool from Genesys does, what it may be? How can I obtain the proper ServiceLevel to have it matching the one showing in the platform?

Thank you and best regards.

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