One-Way Audio Issue Using the WebRTC SDK


I am looking for some assistance as I have got an odd problem that I am trying to resolve. Calls that are made using the Genesys Web Application work perfectly, however, if I use the SDK and make outbound calls from an external application then I experience one-way audio whereby I can hear the customer but they cannot hear me, this happens every time and unsure how to resolve this.

I have tried using chrome://webrtc-internals to try and locate the issue and I cannot see any issues, the correct audio device is being selected.

I am unable to locate an issue from the network capture either. I need assistance to identify the issue if possible please.

Thank you

@Chris_Carr Are you providing a media stream to the SDK or are you allowing the sdk to spin up its own stream based on a provided deviceId? Also, you could try to use our webrtc sdk demo app to verify your issue, though I warn you it's not particularly user friendly. Here are the steps to place a call as well as the demo app's location: Test Page

  • change environment to pca-us
  • click the Use Implicit Auth button
  • click the Start App button
  • look for the enter phone number field and enter your desired number
  • click start call

You could also do a test using our media helper client as it's build upon the sdk. Simply go to (you can replace with your desired region) and then place a call with the sdk or genesys cloud application. Assuming you're properly logged into the media helper, the call session will automatically be sent to the media helper regardless of where it was placed or answered.

@jensen.gar Thank you very much, I will confirm the answer to your first question asap. The ORG is in eu-west2 so I am unable to login to the test page. Is this only available for the US?

Thank you

Apologies, I didn't realize we didn't have it set up for other regions. I'll create a ticket to remedy that. In the meantime, if you're interested, I can help you hack it to work in euw2.

  1. go to the euw2 test page
  2. open up the developer tools
  3. run these two statements in the console of the developer tools:
  • window.environments['euw2'] = { clientId: window.environments['dca'].clientId, uri: '' }
  • window.environment.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('option'), { value: 'euw2', text: 'euw2' }))
  1. select the new euw2 option in the "Select Environment" dropdown.
  2. click the Use Implicit Auth button.
    5a. if you see green text that says "Authenticated", then skip to step 6.
    5b. you should have been redirected to the euw2 auth page. go ahead and enter your auth info.
    5c. after you've auth'd you should be redirected back to the euw2 demo app. You'll need to repeat steps 3 and 4.
  3. click the Start App button
  4. look for the enter phone number field and enter your desired number
  5. click start call

Sorry for the complications, post back if you need clarification on anything.

Hello @jensen.gar,

Thank you.

Apologies as I have only seen your post now. Thank you very much for this. I will try this out and respond back.

I appreciate it.

Kind Regards,

Hi @jensen.gar,

Apologies, I am not getting this to work. I am receiving 401 errors after following the steps. I have attached the console log. (17.9 KB)

Thank you and apologies if I am making a silly mistake here.

Kind Regards,

It looks like it's trying to start the app in the dca env. Can you make sure that after you auth and get redirected back to the app, the euw2 option is re-added and selected before you click "start app"?

Fantastic, this has done the trick. I will test this now.
Thank you.

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