Outbound API is not working properly while updating caller name

I am trying with the below code snippet to update the caller name in Campaign:

Campaign campaign = outboundApi.getOutboundCampaign(CampaignId);

if(campaign != null)



Campaign result = outboundApi.putOutboundCampaign(CampaignId, campaign);

return response;


It gives the error message :

Error: An attempt was made to update a Campaign in an invalid way. Details: Agent owned column cannot be changed once configured

If I don't update "Agent owned column" column then the update works fine using the same SDK method.

Can you please check and help me here?



Is the campaign using a Salesforce integration? Agent owned columns are meant to link Genesys cloud agent ID or email to record, so it makes sense that these cannot be updated via the campaign API since they are linked. If you want to update the caller name via the SDK, you should be able to do it by re-configuring the agent-owned columns. I don't think caller name should be an agent-owned column since it's meant to link user ID or email, as mentioned.

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