PATCH /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} does not work with CONNECTED param

Hi Genesys,

we're trying to assign wrapUp Code to an interaction and leave the conversation live (because the customer is on the phone).

To do that, we call
PATCH '/api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}' with following payload

"wrapup": {
"code": "8b66c818-3ffd-45d7-833a-a4914c111111",
"notes": "text by thge agent"
"state": "CONNECTED"

We have same beahaviour event the situation of the Call.

If the Call Is Ended or OnGoing

  • The API returns 400 Bad Request
    "message": "Failed to update properties on conversation participant.",
    "code": "conversation.participant.update.invalid",
    "status": 400,
    "contextId": "6bbb794a-6f06-4952-9802-a07084240879",
    "details": [],
    "errors": [
            "message": "Access to Conversation {id} is forbidden.",
            "code": "not.authorized",
            "status": 403,
            "details": [
                    "fieldName": "state"
  • but the API appears to work fine because the conversation has the WrapUp code and notes updated
  • and as soon as the Customer hangs up the call, there's no ACW time and agent goes to Available

If we do exactly the same but chaging state to DISCONNECTED, the behaviour is the expected and the API returns 202 OK

  • Updating wrapUp code and Notes
  • Ending conversation
  • Finishing Interaction

Could you please explain why the API is returning a 400 Bad Request when we use CONNECTED value?

In API docs, boths values are declared to be valid


Best Regards


As the "state" parameter mentions it, you define a "state" attribute in your PATCH if you want to UPDATE it (with value "connected" or "disconnected").
If your call is already connected, you're not supposed to send the "state": "connected" again.
So that's likely that part which is causing the 400 - asking to update the state of an already connected conversation.

Please open a ticket with Genesys Customer Care to report this.


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