Pencil configuration options explanation

Out of interest, is there any documentation on the More Configuration Options against Property names in the contracts?
The help page does not elaborate on their usage, options or use cases.
There are different fields available, depending on property type.
Some appear obvious, like ranges but would also like to understand how they interact with data action usage.


I recommend you post your question in the Genesys Cloud Community Forum. The developer forum is centered around APIs and customizations.


This UI is helping you create a JSON Schema for your input or output contracts. Here is a reasonable looking 3rd party description of what can go into a JSON Schema, but there are many other examples out there.

This way the data action author can help put in guardrails for the architect workflow author that is using the data action. I don't remember off the top of my head if Scripts enforces these additional schema constraints or not.


Thanks for replies although 2 employees, one saying wrong forum, I disagree, its an action API definition so very much developer.
The other referring me to a 3rd party and unsure themselves if enforced in Genesys. Not a criticism but disappointing responses.

I would expect Genesys help page for this area to explain or point to a relevant knowledge base article.
I will look at link but would like to know if and how these settings are used/enforced


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