Thank you, I had not run across that resource for the schema properties! When I execute my code, what returns is all the current data for the contact and it is inclusive of every property listed out in the DialerContact link you just provided. Where I'm failing is to successfully execute an update to that data. Here's what is returning now: {'call_records': {'Cell Phone': {'last_attempt': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 24, 20, 29, 24, 997000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'Home Phone': {'last_attempt': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 24, 20, 29, 24, 997000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'callable': True,
'configuration_overrides': None,
'contact_column_time_zones': {'Cell Phone': {'column_type': 'PHONE',
'time_zone': 'EST5EDT'},
'Home Phone': {'column_type': 'PHONE',
'time_zone': 'EST5EDT'},
'Zip': {'column_type': 'ZIP',
'time_zone': 'EST5EDT'}},
'contact_list_id': '32298f99-d4d2-4a02-837b-016a8900740c',
'contactable_status': {'Email': {'column_status': {'Email': {'contactable': True}},
'contactable': True}},
'data': {'Cell Phone': '1513515xxxx',
'Clearance Status': '1st voice attempt',
'Company ID': '2222',
'DOB': '4/5/1900',
'Email': '',
'First Name': 'Samwise',
'Gender': 'M',
'Hire Date': '5/26/2024',
'Home Phone': '15135555555',
'Job Title': 'Physician Asst CONTRACT',
'Last Name': 'Gamgee',
'Market': 'Springfield',
'Patient ID': '',
'SSN': '111111111',
'Tier': '',
'WD ID': '333333',
'Zip': '43230'},
'id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'latest_email_evaluations': None,
'latest_sms_evaluations': {'Cell Phone': {'contact_address': '15135555555',
'contact_column': 'Cell Phone',
'message_type': 'Sms',
'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 24, 18, 19, 52, 592000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'wrapup_code_id': 'OUTBOUND-INVALID-PHONE-NUMBER'}},
'name': None,
'phone_number_status': {'Cell Phone': {'callable': True},
'Home Phone': {'callable': True}},
'self_uri': '/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/32298f99-d4d2-4a02-837b-016a8900740c/contacts/xxxxxxxxxxx'}
Process finished with exit code 0