when we try to pickup a chat using api patch:
as explained here :
passing conversationId and participantId with body:
"state": "connected"
we get the error:
"message": "Failed to update properties on conversation participant.",
"code": "conversation.participant.update.failed",
"status": 500,
"contextId": "81eef5a8-7890-43bd-afe0-0e812f3ca92c",
"details": [],
"errors": [
"message": "An internal conversation service error has occurred. Please contact support. Message: 500 : [{"errorCode":"chat.error","status":500,"correlationId":"81eef5a8-7890-43bd-afe0-0e812f3ca92c","userMessage":"An error has occurred. Please contact support. Message: Request method 'PUT' not supported","userParamsMessage":"An error has occurred. Please contact support. Message: {message}","userParams":[{"key":"message","value":"Request method 'PUT' not supported"}]}]",
"code": "internal.server.error",
"status": 500,
"details": [
"fieldName": "state"
where do we go wrong?