PKCE with public client /token endpoint Cors error

Hi I have a quick question on Auth Code authorization.

I am implementing Auth Code authentication method for our React single page application.

I found this thread in the Genesys dev Forum that mentioned that PKCE should be supported in Q3,

Just wondering if it is ready now ?

Also from this link, I think a browser app is suggested to use Implicit Grant instead ?

as I am facing CORS issue while trying to send POST request on the second step of Code Grant to exchange Access Code with Access Token from '/token' endpoint, something like below:

Screen Shot 2021-12-11 at 12.30.54 AM.png

Thanks for any reply and suggestions !

Hi Kenny,

  1. Will Genesys Cloud support authorization with PKCE? I talked with our product manager and it was released in August. Take a look at the authorization API.
  2. On the browser issue, it looks like your screenshot did not show up properly. I am going to phone a friend (@tim.smith) and see if he can jump in on the CORS issue. Tim is a better front-end developer then I am and can probably answer your question better than I can.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

This is intentional. The Auth Code grant requires a backend service to exchange the code for an access token. Because this is only suitable for a backend service and not a frontend web app, there are no CORS headers on the /token endpoint. The reason this cannot be done from a browser is because a browser is incapable of handling a client secret securely. If you're authorizing a front-end web app, use the implicit grant.

You can read about the different grant types and their typical use cases here:

Thanks @John_Carnell and @tim.smith for your fast responses.

I think with PKCE the client_secret is not required for exchanging the access code with access token.
The runtime generated code_challenge/code_verifier is in place to replace it.

I currently is able to use my NodeJS server as a proxy server to hit the /token endpoint for my React app(POST to Node which then makes the POST to /token).

I hope this is a valid solution to the CORS issue if we still want to use Auth Code grant.

Please let me know if you see any concerns going in this implementation.

Again, thank you guys so much !

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